Your P3 product has been manufactured to stand the test of time. If you take care of the tee, it will last longer. We are very strict when it comes to providing you the right quality for the right price. Afterall, you have paid your hard earned money to get the product, we take the onus to justify it.
Few guidelines to follow :
Minimal detergent. Different colors react differently with different detergents. So keep it at a bare minimum. Ideally, very less and not on the fabric, never on the fabric, it ruins the life of the fabric. The more you wash a full cotton garment, the more wear and tear it absorbs.
Wash whites and colors separately.
You should hand wash them or use gentle machine wash, not more than 10 minutes.
- Do not dry them in direct sunlight. Keep them hanging on the clothes line but do not keep them in direct sunlight as some colours get scorched
Please get in touch with us if you have faced an issue with your products. We will be more than happy to help out.
Much Love,
The Team